IMG 3160.EAC logo graphic


Chapter of

Embroiderers' Association of Canada / 

Association canadienne de broderie

Guild Library

The library is available from 10:30 - 12:00 on alternate Thursdays when in-person meetings at Centre Noël-Legault are scheduled. Check the Program Schedule for precise dates. Open to members only.

The collection is organized by the subject headings listed below. Click on the heading to see the books available on that subject. To contact our library coordinator, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

EAC Courses: a selection of retired EAC courses available to guild members upon request.

New Acquisitions & Discarded Titles 2023-2024

 indicate books that are shelved in back rows requiring the assistance of the library coordinator to retrieve.



Crazy Quilting




Plastic Canvas


Toy Making





Japanese Embroidery


Pulled Thread





Cross Stitch




Ribbon Embroidery



Bead Embroidery











Embroidery - Various Techniques


Machine Embroidery & Sewing


Schwalm Embroidery



Boutis & Trapunto


Embroidery Stitches & Techniques




Shisha Embroidery



Brazilian Embroidery


Ethnic Embroidery




Silk Painting





















Counted Thread






Surface Embroidery





ARM Wildflowers Armstrong, Carol
ARM1 Appliqué Inside the Lines Armstrong, Carol
SPA Creative Stitching Spargo, Sue
SPA1 Creative Texturing Spargo, SUe
CRO Appliqué Techniques, Projects and Pure Inspiration Cross, Kate
DIE Baltimore Bouquet Dietrich, Mimi
DOC Appliqué Masterpieces: Little Brown Bird Patterns Docherty, Margaret
ROD Appliqué Made Easy Rodale (publisher)
TIR A New Dimension in Wool Appliqué Tirico, Deborah Gale


ANC Assisi Embroidery Anchor (publisher)
DMC Assisi Embroidery DMC Library (publisher)
MIL Assisi Embroidery Technique & 42 Charted Designs Miller Ness, Pamela
PHI Assisi Work Phillips, Maggie


BAR Bargello and Related Stitchery Barnes, Charles & Blake, David P.
BOY Margaret Boyles Bargello Workbook Boyles, Margaret
CON Step by step Bargello Constentino, G.
FIS Bargello Magic Fisher & Lasker
HAL Bargello Borders Hall & Riley
IPP Bargello Stitchery: Vertical Needlepoint Ippolito Christensen, J.; et al.
KAE Bargello Antics Kaestner, Dorothy
KAE Four Ways Bargello Kaestner, Dorothy
PET Beautiful Bargello Petschek, Joyce
ROM A New Look at Bargello Rome, Carol C.
SAL The Bargello Book Salter, Francis
SIL Fun with Bargello Silverstein, Mira
SIL2 Bargello Plus Silverstein, Mira
SIL1 Guide to Upright Stitches Silverstein, Mira
SNO Florentine Embroidery Snook, Barbara
STE Free Form Bargello Stevens, Gigs
WIL Bargello Florentine Canvas Work Williams, Elsa S.
WOL Bargello is Easy Wolfman, Peri


BOI Broderie de perles et de paillettes au crochet de Luneville Boinnay, Eve-Marie
BUR Broderie en perles: Maisons de vacances Burkhardt Luthier, Françoise
DRY A Very Beaded Christmas Rosemary, Drysdale
END Bead Embroidery - Stitch Samples Endo, Yasuko
END1 Bead Embroidery - Stitch Samples - Motifs Endo, Yasuko
OGU La broderie de perles Ogura, Yukiko
PIE Beading on a Loom Pierce, Don
REA The Big Book of Weekend Beading Reader's Digest
TAY Decorative Beaded Purses Taylor, End
WIL Creative Bead Weaving Wilcox Wells, Carol


ANC Modern Spanish Blackwork Anchor (publisher)
ALT Reversible Blackwork Alther, Ilse
ALT1 Blackwork and Holbein Embroidery Alther, Ilse
ANC2 Blackwork Embroidery Stitches Anchor (publisher)
BAR Blackwork Embroidery Stitches Barnett, Lesley
BUE Blackwork from Threads and Things Buell, Karen R.
DAY Blackwork: A New Approach Day, Brenda
DRY The Art of Blackwork Embroidery Drysdale, Rosemary
GED Blackwork Embroidery Geddes & McNeill
GED2 Blackwork Embroidery Geddes & McNeill
GLO A Sampling of Tradition - Creative Women Gloria & Pat
GOS Blackwork Embroidery Stitches Gostelow, Mary
HAL Creative Backstitch Hall, Helen
HOG Blackwork Hogg, Becky
MAN Blackwork Enciclopedia Della Tecnica di Ricamo  Mana di Fate (publisher)
PAS Blackwork Embroidery Design & Technique Pascoe, Margaret
SCH Designs for Holbein Embroidery Schener, Nikki
SCO Blackwork Scoular, Marion
SCO Why Call It Blackwork Scoular, Marion
SCO2 Folio of Blackwork Patterns Scoular, Marion
SEA Blackwork Embroidery Stitches Search Press
STR The Heart of Blackwork Strite-Kurz, Anne
WIL The Craft Of Blackwork & White Work Wilson, Erica
ZIM Blackwork Embroidery Patterns Zimmerman, Jane D.


AST Boutis d'hier et d'aujourd'hui  Astier, Nicole
BOI Patchworks et boutis  Boisseau, Nicole
BOI1 Patchworks - boutis: idées-cadeaux  Boisseau, Nicole
COG1 Boutis & trapunto (français)  Coget, Catherine
EDI L'art du boutis  Édition de Saxe (publisher)
EDI1 Le Boutis embelli  Édition de Saxe
EDI2 Le Boutis en couleur  Édition de Saxe
EDI3 Les Bases du trapunto  Édition de Saxe
FLY Trapunto & Stippling Step by Step  Flinn, John
GAU 102 motifs de boutis  Gaussen, Andrée
KER Le Boutis neiges d'antan  Kergreis, Solange
KER1 Le Boutis technique et modèles originaux  Kergreis, Solange
KER2 Petits cadeaux en boutis  Kergreis, Solange
KER3 Boutis premiers cadeaux  Kergreis, Solange
MAR Baby layette à la boutis provençal  Marie, Yolande
MOS Trapunti & Other Forms of Raised Quilting  Mosteller & Morgan


Le Boutis dans le trousseau

 Nicolle, Francine


AGU Dimensional Embroidery Brazillian Style, Book 2 Agular, Zean
BRA Bullion Stitch Embroidery Bradford, Jenny
DEM Brazilian Embroidery Instructions Johnson, B. Demke
FER JDR Brazilian Embroidery Book 1 Ferrell, Ria Quik
FRE The Art of Dimensional Embroidery Freitas, Maria A.
FRE1 Brazilian Embroidery Book 1 Freitas, Maria A.
FRE2 Brazilian Embroidery Book 2 Freitas, Maria A.
FRE3 Brazilian Embroidery Book 3 Freitas, Maria A.
KEL Thorns and Roses Kelley, Debbie
KUR North American Flowers Kurbis, Mary
KUR1 Basics and Beyond Kurbis, Mary
MON Brazilian Three-Dimensional Embroidery Montague, Rosie
SCH Brazilian Embroidery: A Beginner's Notebook Schulhauser, Joyce
SCH1 Sunshine's Treasure Book 1 Schuler, Cheryl
SCH2 Brazilian Embroidery 101 Schuler, Cheryl
WAK Take a Stitch Wakefield, Rosalie M.


AMB The Open Canvas Ambuter, Carolyn
AMB1 Open Canvas Design Ambuter, Carolyn
ANC Canvaswork Stitches & Patterns Anchor (publisher)
ASH Creative Embroidery Techniques using Colour Through Gold Ashby, Daphne; Wooldery, Jackie
COA Canvas Embroidery Patterns Coats Publication
COR The Liberated Canvas: A Creative Approach to Canvas Embroidery Cornell, Penny
ENG The Canvas Embroidery Notebook: Borders 1 English, Mindy
DEE A Canvas Christmas II Dem, Debbie
GOR Apprenez la broderie sur canevas Gordon, Jill
HIL Jean Hilton's Borderlines Hill, Jean
HOW Stitches for Effect Howewen, Suzanne; Robertson, Beth
HOW1 More Stitches for Effect Howren, Suzanne, Robertson, Beth
IRE Canvas Embroidery Stitch Patterns Ireys, K.
LAN Needlepoint By Design Lane, Maggie
PAC Sampler of Stitches - Book 2 Pacific Southwestern Region, EGA
PER The New World Of Needlpoint Perrone, Lisbeth
PRO Sculptured Needlepoint Stitchery Projansky, Ella
ROM A New Look At Needlepoint Rome & Devlin
SEA Canvas Work Search Press (publisher)
SIL Guide To Looped & Knotted Stitches Silverstein, M.
SIL Guide To Combination Stitches Silverstein, M.
ZIM The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Canvas Embroidery - vol. one Zimmerman, Jane D.


MIT Casalguidi Style Linen Embroidery Mitrofanis, Effie


ANC1 Counted Thread Embroidery Stitches Anchor (publisher)
BAI Country Garden Bailey, Joyce C.
CAM Linen Embroidery Campbell, Etta
DMC Broderies Incas DMC (publisher)
EAT Wessex Stitchery Eaton, Gay
OST The Proper Stitch: A Guide for Counted Thread O'Steen, Darlene
SAM Monk's Cloth Pillows Sams, Kathleen
SOU Lagartera Embroidery & Stitches from Spain South Australian Embroiderers Guild
WAE Sammentraeks Monstre Waever, Clara
WAE Sammentraeks Monstre Hefte 2 Waever, Clara


BAK Art Inspiration  Baker Montano, Judith
BAK1 Floral Stitches Baker Montano, Judith
BAK2 Elegant Stitches Baker Montano, Judith
BAK3 Crazy Quilting Baker Montano, Judith
MAR The Embroidered Miniature Quilt Marshall, Helen
SAM Treasury of Crazy Quilt Stitches Samples, Carole
WOL The Art of Manipulating Fabric Wolff, Colette


AMO Crewel Embroidery Amor, Shelagh
ANC Crewel Stitches & Patterns Anchor (publisher)
BLO Crewel Intentions Blomkamp, Hazel
BAK American Crewel Embroidery Baker, Muriel L.
BOY Margaret Boyles Book of Embroidery Boyles, Margaret
BUR Deerfield Embroidery Burnahm-Howe, Margery
COU A - Z of Crewel Country Bumpkin Publications
COU1 A - Z of Wool Embroidery Country Bumpkin Publications
CRO Pleasures of Crewel Betty Crocker Home Library
DAV The Art of Crewel Embroidery Davis, Mildred
EDW Crewel Embroidery In England Edwards, Joan
FRA Crewel Embroidery Francini, A. A.
JER Creative Crewel Embroidery Jeroy, Judy
JON English Crewel Designs Jones, Mary Eirwen
LAN American Crewel Landon, Mary Taylor; Swan, Susan Taylor
MCB Creative Crewel Embroidery McBride, Regina
MCD Crewelwork McDonald, Jacqui
ORM Jacobean Iron On Transfer Patterns Ormesson, Linda
PER The New World of Crewel Perrone, Lisbeth
RAI Beginner's Guide to Crewel Embroidery Rainbow, Jane
SHA The New Crewel Exquisite Designs in Contemporary Embroidery Shaughnessy, K.
WEL Crewel Embroidery Old and New Weldon's Editor
WILL Heritage Embroidery Williams, Elsa S.
WILL1 The Joy of Stitching Williams, Elsa S.
WIL Crewel Embroidery Wilson, Erica
WIL The Craft Of Crewel Embroidery Wilson, Erica
WIL Say It with Stitches Wilson, Erica


BAR The Encyclopedia of Cross Stitch Techniques Bamden, Betty
BEN1 Krosstygnsrosor Bengtsson, Gerda
BEN 2 Korsstygn I Farg (Danish) Bengtsson, Gerda
BEN 3 Cross Stitch Patterns In Colour Bengtsson, Gerda
BEN 4 Aarets Korssting Kalendar 1964 Bengtsson, Gerda
BEN 5 Roses & Flowering Branches in Counted Cross Stitch Bengtsson, Gerda
BET Christmas Cross Stitch Better Homes & Garden
BOW From Our Dollhouse to Yours Bowers & Martin
BOW Peter Rabbit ABC'S Bowers & Martin
BOX Cross Stitch Cats Box, Richard
BRY Here Comes Santa Claus Bryan, Carol & Fraser, Ginny
BUS Country Cross Stitch Bussi, Gail; Johns, Susie et al
CHR Berry Design & Borders Leaflet Christopher B.
COR Carousel Horses Cornell, Ann & Roberts, D Patricia
COU Country Diary Collection, Book 19 Country Xstitch (publisher)
GLO Sports That Count Gloria & Pat
GRE The Cross Stitcher's Bible Project Book Greenoff, Jane
GRE1 The Cross Stitcher's Bible Greenoff, Jane
GRE2 Cross Stitch Castles and Cottages Greenoff, Jane
GRO Floral Cross-Stitch Gross-Ekowski, E.
HAM Celtic Art in Cross Stitch Hammet, Barbara
KEY Small Scale Embroidery in Cross Stitch and Other Techniques Keyes, Brenda
KOO Country Cross Stitch Kooler, Donna
KOO1 Cross Stitch Christmas Kooler, Donna
KOO2 555 Timeless Cross Stitch Patterns Kooler, Donna
LAW Celtic Cross Stitch, 30 projects Lawther, Gail
LEI Christmas Portraits Leisure Arts Publication
MAY Cross Stitch Animal Collection Mayhew, Jayne Netley
MCC Country Cross Stitch McCalls
MCD Easy See, Easy Stitch Cross Stitch McDonald
MEA Oriental Serendipity Designs Meacham, Carolyn
MEA Reflections Serendipity Designs Meacham, Carolyn
PER Celebrations in Cross Stitch Perrone, Lisbeth
REA The Big Book of Cross Stitch Designs Reader's Digest
REA1 The Art of William Morris in Cross Stitch Reader`s Digest
SCH Nursery Animals Schmidt, Martha
SEE Exquisitely Oriental Seebo, Joyce
SIE 100 Cross Stitch Christmas Ornaments Siegel, Carol
SHA Stamps That Are Truly a Treasurer To Own, Book 1 ShariAne Designs
STO Gretchen and Whittenburg Stoney Creek
TIM Souvenirs de vacances au point de croix et petit point Timms, Chris
VAN 100 Cross-Stitch Gifts from Nature Vanessa-Ann Collection
VANZ Point de croix et broderie Van Zandt, Eleanor
VIK Celtic Cross Vickery, Mike
WIN Wildflower Designs For Needlework Winter, Adalee
WOO Cross Stitch Techniques and Designs Wood, Dorothy


BEA The Art of the Needle Beaney, Jan
BEA1 Stitch Magic: Ideas and Interpretation Beaney, Jan; Littlejohn Jean
CAM Flowers and Plants in Embroidery Cambell-Harding, Valerie
CHA Historic Floral & Animal Designs For Embroiderers Chapman, Suzanne
END Design in Embroidery Endacott, Violet M.
GUI Creative Use of Stitches Guild, Vera P.
HAN Church Needlework Hands, Hinda M.
HAR Waverly Honor: A Workbook of Embroidery Design Hart, Martha Anne; Neblett, Hester
HOL Gardens In Embroidery Holmes, Val
HOW1 Embroidery & Colour Howard, Constance
HOW2 Inspiration For Embroidery Howard, Constance
IRE Christian Symbols: Embroideries for Protestant Churches Ireland, Marion
JON The Grammar of Ornament Jones, Owen
JOY Stitches for Embroidery Joynes, Heather
MAR Approaching Design Through Nature Martin, Grace O.
MAS Embroidery Design Mason, Enid
MEN Color Works Menz, Deb
MES2 Design for Needlepoint Embroidery from Ancient & Primitive Sources Messent, Jan
NIC Designs & Patterns For Embroiderers & Craftsmen Nichols, Marion
PRO The Principles of Patterns Proctor, Richard M.
RIS Creative Embroidery Risley, Christine
SCH New Dimensions In Needlework Schnitzler, J. & Ross, G.
SCO Design Fundamentals Scott, Robert G.
SEA Embroidery Design Search Press
SHA Encyclopaedia of Ornament Shaw, Henry
SNO The Creative Art of Embroidery Snook, Barbara
STO Designer's Guide to Color Stockton, James
TAR Floral Designs and Motifs Tarbox, Charlene
TUR Just Designs Turpine-dELPORT, lESLEY
VAN Window Gardens In Bloom Vant Erve, Margaret
VIN Renaissance Patterns for Lace, Embroidery and Needlepoint Vinciolo, Federico
WHY Design In Embroidery White, Kathleen
WIL New Design In Stitchery Willcox, Donald J.
WYK Designs to Embroider Van Wyk, Hetsie


BAG The Stitching Book: A Step-by-Step Guide to Surface Stitching Techniques Bage, P., et al.
BAK The Scribner Book of Embroidery Designs Baker, Muriel
BAY Embroidery Techniques & Patterns Bayard, Marie Noël
BEC The Embroiderer's Flowers Beck, Thomasina
BEN Danish Embroidery Bengtsson, Gerda
BEN Danish Stitchery Bengtsson, Gerda
BOY Book Of Needle Art Boyles, Margaret
BRA Textured Embroidery Bradford, Jenny
BRO Encyclopedia of Embroidery Techniques Brown, Pauline
CAU The Dictionary of Needlework  Caulfield, S.F.A; Saward, B.
CAU1 Encyclopedia of Victorian Needlework, vol 1 Caulfield, S.F.A
CAU2 Encyclopedia of Victorian Needlework, vol 2 Caulfield, S.F.A.
CHI The Dinner Party Needlework Chicago, Judy
CHI The Dinner Party Chicago, Judy
CLA The Needleworker's Dictionary Clabburn, Pamela
CLAd Exploring Elizabethan Embroidery Clarke, Dorothy
COA Broderie pour debutante Coats, J. & P.
COU A - Z of Embroidered Flowers Country Bumpkin Publications
DEA Church Embroidery Dean, Beryl
DES La broderie sans façon Desrieux, Jeannine
FAS Glorious Colour Knit & Needlepoint Fassett, Kaffee
FAU Les Roses de Redouté Fauque, C.; Bayard, M.-N.
FIS Swedish Embroidery Fisher, Eivor
GOS Embroidery Gostelow, Mary
GOS1 The Complete Guide to Needlework Techniques and Materials Gostelow, Mary
GOS2 The Coats Book of Embroidery Gostelow, Mary
GRI La Broderie facile Griffiths, Anna
GRI1 An Introduction to Embroidery Griffiths, Anna
HAI The Embroiderer's Floral Haigh, Janet
ILE The Needlework Garden Iles, Jane
KEY Small-Scale Embroidery in Cross Stitch and Other Techniques Keyes, Brenda
LIL The Craft Of Embroidery Liley, Alison
LEN A Treasure Of Needlecrafts Leinhauser, Jean and Weiss, Rita
MAR An Elizabethan Christmas Marshall, Sheila
MES Celtic, Viking and Anglo-Saxon Embroidery Messent, Jan
MUR The Essential Guide to Embroidery Murdoch Books
NOA 18 Alphabets ---
PAS The Needlework Book Passadore, W.
PEN Inventive Needlework Pendray, Shay
RANK Great Pillows 60 Original Projects Rankin, Chris
RIS Creative Embroidery Risley, C.
ROS Modern Embroidery Rosen, Ike
ROU Holiday Greetings Routley, Janice
ROW Handsewn - The Essential Techniques for Tailoring & Enbellishment Rowan, Margaret
RSN Book of Embroidery: A Guide to Essential Stitches, Techniques & Projects Royal School of Needlework
RUS Lettering For Embroidery Russell, Pat
SAU Royal School of Needlework Embroidery Techniques Saunders, Sally
SCO Hemstitching Scoular, Marion
SIE Needlework Patterns from The Metropolitan Museum Siegler, Susan
SIM The Basic Book of Embroidery Simpson, June
SIN Textile Arts, Multicultural Traditions Singer, M. & Spyrou, M.
SNO The Creative Art Of Embroidery Snook, Barbara
SVE1 Brodera Vittpa Vitt Svennas, Elsie
SVE2 Handbook Of Lettering For Stitches Svennas, Elsie
SWI The Larousse Encyclopedia Embroidery Techniques Swift, Gay
VAR Embroidery Various Artists
VIC The Embroidered Garden Vickers, Lois
WAD The Ward Lock Guide to Decorative Needlecraft Ward Lock Limited
WAT Embroidered Flowers Watts, Pamela
WIL Embroidery Book Wilson, Erica
WIL More Needleplay Wilson, Erica
WIL Needleplay Wilson, Erica
WIL Christmas World Wilson, Erica
WIL Children's World Wilson, Erica
WILD American Needlework Wilder Lane, Rose
WYK Embroider Now Van Wyk, Hetsie


ANC Free-Style Embroidery Anchor
ANC1 Anchor Manual of Needlework Anchor
BAU The Embroiderers' Handbook Bauer, Margie
BEE Beeton's Book of Needlework Beeton, Isabella
BLO Needleweaving Techniques for Hand Embroidery Blomkamp, Hazel
CAR Elizabethan Stitches: A Guide to Historic Englsih Needlework Carey, Jacqui
COA 100 Embroidery Stitches Coats, J & P
COU A-Z Of Embroidery Stitches Country Bumpkin Publications
DIL The Complete DMC Encyclopedia Of Needlework de Dillmont, Therese
EAT Complete Stitch Encycolpedia Eaton, Jan
ENT The Stitches Of Creative Embroidery Enthoven, J.
HAR Free Style Embroidery Stitches Harlow, Eve
MON Elegant Stitches Montano Baker, Judith
MUR Pretty Embroidery Murayama, Misako
MYE A Primer of Left-Handed Embroidery Myers, Carol & Robbins
NIC Encyclopedia of Embroidery Stitches Nichols, Marion
PEN Needleworker's Companion Pendray, Shay
PET Handbook of Stitches Peterson, G. & Svennas, E.
REA Complete Book of Embroidery Reader's Digest
RYA The Complete Encyclopedia of Stitchery Rya, Mildred Graves
SEL  Guide complet des travaux à l′àiguille Sélection du Reader's Digest
STA The Left-Handed Embroiderer's Companion Stanton, Yvette
SNO Needlework Stitches Snook, Barbara
TAN La broderie facile du débutant au confirmé Tanfani, Lucie


DAN Yucatecan Embroidery Dante
DMC Bulgarian Embroideries DMC Library
DMC1 Yugoslavian Embroideries - 1st series DMC Library
DMC2 Yugoslavian Embroideries - 2nd series DMC Library
DMC3 Turkish Embroideries DMS Library
GOO The Embroidery of Mexico and Guatemala Goodman, Frances S.
GOS Embroidery of All Russia Gostelow, Mary
GOS1 The Complete International Book of Embroidery Gostelow, Mary
JOU La broderie en Basse Bretagne Jouanic, Genevieve & Helias, Viviane
KMI Ukrainian Embroidery Kmit, Ann et al
LAN Needlework Designs from  the American Indians Landsman, Anne C
PCH Ukrainian Patterns Pchilka, Olena
PLE Hrvalski Narodni Vez Pleše, Adele
SOR Stickerei als Volkskunst: Nord- und Osteuropa Sorger, Margarethe


BUR Needlework Blocking and Finishing Burchette, Dorothy
BUR1 More Needlework Blocking and Finishing Burchette, Dorothy
DIE Tassel Decor Diehl Turner, Liz
LAN Picture Framing Landon, Edward
MCE Compendium of Finishing Techniques McEneely, Naomi
SCO Needlepoint from Start to Finish Scobey
TOS Step-by-Step Framing Toscano, Eamon


BRO Goldwork Embroidery Designs and Projects Brown, Mary
CAM Goldwork - Revised and Updated Campbell-Harding, Valerie
COL All That Glitters Cole, Alison
COL2 The Goldword Masterclass Cole, Alison
COS Silk and Metal Threads Embroidery Cose, Elsa
DAW The Technique of Metal Thread Embroidery Dawson, Barbara
EVE Goldwork Techniques, Projects and Pure Inspiration Everett, Hazel
FOU La Broderie or de Rocheford Fouriscot, Mick et al
FRA New Ideas in Goldwork Frankilin, Tracy A.
KRE Metallic Thread Embroidery Kreinik, Jacqueline Friedman
LEM Metal Thread Embroidery Lemon, Jane
NEE Goldwork Needle Crafts
RAK Glorious Goldwork Rakestraw S; Hinde, S.


ANC Hardanger Embroidery Anchor
BIS A Collection of Beautiful Stitches Bishop, Emie
BRI Hardanger Embroidery: a Complete and Practical Course Bright, Sigrid
BUR Hardanger Burda Special
BUR1-13 Hardanger Burda Special
BUR14 Hardanger Burda Special
CAR Hardanger Embroidery Carter, Jill
COA Hardanger for Today Coats Publication
CIO Hardanger Embroidery Ciotti, Donatella
DIA Hardanger Diana Special
DIA1 Hardanger Diana Special
DMC Hardanger Embroidery 1st Series DMC Library
DMC1 Hardanger Embroidery 2nd Series DMC Library
DMC2 Hardanger Embroidery 3rd Series DMC Library
DOH Hardanger - Stickerei Einmal Anders II Dohring, Anke
GEL Complete Book of Hardanger Geldens, Janny
GLO A Hardanger Embroidery Lesson for Beginners Gloria & Pat
GUS The Hardangersom of Vesteheim vol 1 Gustafson, Carolynn Craig
GUS1 The Hardangersom of Vesteheim vol.2 Gustafson, Carolynn Craig
HER Canadian Prairie Hardanger Hermanson, Lynne
HOL Hardanger - A Growing Tradition III Holm, Elaine; Keebaugh, Marion
ISE Onie's Own Hardanger Designs III Isenberg, Leona
JAL Heartwarming Heart J-Allen, S.
JEN A Tribute to Hardanger Embroidery Jenkins, Maurine
LEN An Athelstanian Stitcher's Christmas Lentz, Sue
LOV Hardanger Potpourri of Pillows Love, Janice
LOV1 Hardanger Basics & Beyond Love, Janice
LOV2 Hardanger Hearts - A Love Story Love, Janice
LOV3 Hardanger Neck Lace Love, Janice
MAC Key Steps for Hardanger Embrodiery MacKay, Evelyn
MAR Creative Hardanger Marion, Gina
MEI Award-Winning Designs in Hardanger Embroidery 1986 Meir, Susan L.; Watmemo, Rosalyn K.
MEI1 Norwegian Heritage Meir, Susan L.; Watmemo, Rosalyn K.
MEI2 Award-Winning Designs in Hardanger Embroidery 1991 Meir, Susan L.; Watmemo, Rosalyn K.
MEI3 Creative Combinations Meir, Susan L.; Watmemo, Rosalyn K.
MEI4 Award-Winning Designs in Hardanger Embroidery 2009 Meir, Susan L.; Watmemo, Rosalyn K.
MEI5 Award-Winning Designs in Hardanger Embroidery 1993 Meir, Susan L.; Watmemo, Rosalyn K.
MEI6 Personalized Hardanger Embroidery Meir, Susan L.; Watmemo, Rosalyn K.
MEI7 Beginner's Charted Hardanger Embroidery Meir, Susan L.; Watmemo, Rosalyn K.
MEI18 Vaughnie's Visions II Meir, Susan L.; Watmemo, Rosalyn K.
MEI19 Advanced Charted Hardanger Embroidery Meir, Susan L.; Watmemo, Rosalyn K.
MEI20 Hardanger Embroidery Favorites Meir, Susan L.; Watmemo, Rosalyn K.
MIT Seasonal Samplings Mitchell, Carolyn
MIT1 Velvet and Lace Mitchell, Carolyn
MUI Classic Creations V in Hardanger Embroidery Muir, Sylvia
NAD Frankfurter Handarbeiten Kreativ Magazin Nr 2 Nadel & Faden
OOE Oehlenschlarger Hardanger OOE
OOE1 Oehlenschlarger Hardanger 10 OOE
PRI Traditional Hardanger Embroidery The Priscilla Publishing Co.
QUI Hardanger Embroidery Quinn, Elvia
MAC Key Steps for Hardanger Embroidery MacKay, Evelyn
ROS Hardanger Patterns Rosenstand, Eva
SCO Hardanger Embroidery Scoular, Marion
SEA An Introduction to Hardanger Embroidery Search Press
STO Teach Yourself Hardanger Embroidery Stockton, Adelaide
SVE Hardangerbroderi Svensson, Edla
TOR Gems of Hardanger Embroidery Torgerson, Mildred
TOR1 A Taste of Norway in Hardanger Embroidery Torgerson, Mildred
WOO Creative Ideas with Hardanger Wood, Dorothy
ZWE Stick-Ideen Zweigart


BAR Assomption Sash Barbeau, Marius
BEC The Embroiderer's Story Beck, Thomasina
BEN1 The Evolution of Samplers ...Embroidery and Sampler Time Line... Bennett, Eileen J.
BRE English Embroidery in the Royal Ontario Museum Brett ,K. B.
BRI Needlework Bridgeman, Harriett & Drury, Elizabeth
BRO Operation Overlord: The History of D-Day and the Overlord Embroidery Brooks, Stephen; Eckstein, E.
BRY Quilt of Belonging Bryan, Esther
BRY1 Fibre du monde Bryan, Esther
BUR Plain & Fancy: American Women and their Needlework Burrows Swan, Susan
CHU The Tapestry Book Churchill-Candee, Helen
CRU Scottish Diaspora Embroidery Crummy A. et al
EAC A Sampling from the EAC Heritage Collection EAC
EAS In Good Hands: The Women of the Canadian Handicrafts Guild Easton McLeod, Ellen
ELL Ottoman Embroidery Ellis, Marianne; Wearden, Jennifer
EMB Treasures from the Embroiderers' Guild Collection The Embroiderers' Guild
FAR The Art of Narrative Embroidery Farmer, R; Ferguson, M
GOS1 A World of Embroidery Gostelow, Mary
GOS2 The Complete Guide to Needlework Gostelow, Mary
HAR American Needlework (late 16th to 20th C) Harbeson, Georgiana Brown
HOW1 Twentieth-Century Embroidery in Great Britain to 1939 Howard, Constance
HOW Twentieth-Century Embroidery in Great Britain 1964-1977 Howard, Constance
HUG English Domestic Needlework Hughes, Therle
ING Thread of Gold Ingram, Elizabeth
KRU A Gallery of American Samplers Krueger, Glee
KRU New England Samplers to 1890 Krueger, Glee
LEN Needle Point as a Hobby Lent, D. Geneva
MAR A Stitch in Time - 200 Years of Embroidery on Costume Marsil Museum
MOR Victorian Embroidery: An Authoritative Guide Morris, Barbara
MUS1 La Tapisserie de Bayeux Musset, L.
MUS2 The Bayeux Tapestry Musset, L.
NEE NeedleArts Dec 2004 The Embroidery Guild of America
RIN Needlework - An Historical Survey Ring, Betty
SAI Art of the Embroiderer Saint-Aubin, Chalres Germain
SCH Historical Needlework of Pennsylvania Schiffer, Margaret B.
SEB Samplers, Five Centuries Of A Gentle Craft Sebba, Anne
SIR In Praise of Needlewomen - Embroiderers, Knitters, Lacemakers, and Weavers in Art Sirna, Gail Carolyn
STE Homespun and Bue: A Study of AMerican Crewel Embroidery Stearn, Martha Genung
SWA The Needlework of Mary Queen of Scots Swain, Margaret
SWA1 Historical Needlework: Study of Influences in Scotland & Northern England Swain, Margaret
SYN Art of Embroidery - History of Style and Technique Synge, Lanto
VOL Early Decorative Textiles Volbach, Paul
VOL1 Dressed to Rule - 1th C Court Attire in the Mactaggart Art Collection Vollmer, John
WEI  French Tapestry Weigert, R.A.


AMA Japanese Embroidery through the Millennium Amar, Mireille
BAC Rozashi - A Japanese Embroidery Technique Backman, Maggie
BRI Japanese Sashiko Inspirations Briscoe, Susan
BUN The Handbook of Bunka Bunka with Flair
GRA Beginner's Guide to Traditional Embroidery Gray, Julia D.
KUR Japanese Embroidery Book V Kurenai-Kai
LUD Temari Ludlow, Margaret
MCK Japanese Bunka Embroidery McKissick, Eiko
PAR Sashiko Parker, Mary
TAM The Techniques of Japanese Embroidery Tamura, Shuji
TAM1 Traditional Japanese Embroidery - Instructions for the Basic Techniques Tamura, Shuji
THR The Basic of Bunka Embroidery Thread Artists
THR Bunka Embroidery At Its Best Thread Artists
WIL Guide to Bunka Japanese Embroidery Wilton, Mary E.
WOO L'Art du Temari Wood, Mary


CTSA Judging Counted Thread & Other Embroidery Counted Thread Society of America
EGA A Handbook to Judged Shows And Exhibitions Embroiderers of America
UNK Guidelines For Judging Needlework ---


BAR Needlelace Designs and Techniques - Classic and Contemporary Barley, Catherine
BES1 An Introduction to Battenberg Lace Best, Diana
BES2 Festive Fancies Best, Diana
BES3 Battenberg Lace Book 3 Best, Diana
BLO Needle Lace Techniques for Hand Embroidery Blomkamp, Hazel
COL The Art of Lace Making Collier, Ann
DON Lace Net Weaving Dontelle
EAR Needlelace Earnshaw, Pat
GEE Recognising Laces - Petit guide de la Dentelle Geers - Vermeulen
KUR Guide to Lace and Linens Kurrella, Elizabeth M.
MOR Filet Lace Stitches and Patterns Morgan, Margaret
MUR Point Lace: A Course for Beginners Murariu, Sylvia
MUR1 Romanian Point Lace: A Course for Intermediates and Advanced Murariu, Sylvia
NOR Needlelace & Needleweaving Nordfors, Jill
PRI Ruskin Lace & Linen Work Prickett, Elizabeth
TRI The Technique of Branscombe Point Lace Trivett, Lillie D.


CRA The Magic of Machine Embroidery Craftworld Books
CLU Your Machine for Embroidery Clucas, Joy
HUN Heirloom Sewing for Today Hunter, Sandy
KIR How To Make Ties & Tablecloths Kirschen
LAN From Sketch To Stitch Langford, Pat
SIN Decorative Machine Stitching Singer Ref. Lib.
SIN Creative Sewing Ideas Singer Ref. Lib.


ART1 Art Doll Quarterly  Stampington & Co.
ART2 Art Doll Quarterly  Stampington & Co.
ART3 Art Doll Quarterly  Stampington & Co.
ART4 Art Doll Quarterly  Stampington & Co.
ART5 Art Doll Quarterly  Stampington & Co.
ART6 Art Doll Quarterly  Stampington & Co.
COU Your Step-by-Step Guide to Hand Embroidery - Australian Country Craft Series Express Publications
EMB1 Embroidery with Knots & Twists - Embroidery & Cross Stitch Express Publications
EMB2 Embroidery with Judith & Kathryn - Embroidery & Cross Stitch Express Publications
EMB3 Sensational Knots & Twists - Embroidery & Cross Stitch Express Publications
EMB4 Embroidery with Flowers - Embroidery & Cross Stitch Express Publications
EMB5 Inspirational Floral Craft - Embroidery & Cross Stitch Express Publications
EMB#-# Embroidery & Cross Stitch 1-2, 3-2, 3-5, 4-1, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 4-6, 5-2, 5-4, 6-6, 6-7, 6-9, 7-8, 9-10 Express Publications
EMB#-# Embroidery & Cross Stitch 10-3, 10-5, 10-6, 10-7, 10-8 Express Publications
EMB#-# Embroidery & Cross Stitch 11-1, 11-2, 11-5, 11-6, 11-10 Express Publications


Embroidery & Cross Stitch 14-7, 16-1, 17-2, 17-9, 18-7 Express Publications
INS # Inspirations #16 Country Bumpkin
INS # Inspirations #24, 27, 28, 29 Country Bumpkin
INS # Inspirations #30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 38, 39 Country Bumpkin
INS # Inspirations #40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 49 Country Bumpkin
INS # Inspirations #52, 53 Country Bumpkin
INS # Inspirations #60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67
SMO # Australian Smocking & Embroidery: #29, 34, 37, 44, 45, 55, 56, 58,59,62,84 Country  Bumpkin


BEE Monk's Cloth Afghans for Babies Beesley, Terrece et al
BER Broderie suisse - Manuali de ricamo Bergamasco
CAR Japanese Braiding: The Art of Kumihimo Carey, Jacqui
COU Embroidered Bags & Purses Country Bumpkin Publications
CRO Hooking Rugs - New Materials, New Techniques Crouse, Gloria E.
DUD New Punchneedle Embroidery Dudney, Charlotte
EAC Bags & Purses from EAC Collection Embroidery Association Canada
FOR Basics of Embroidery on Paper Fortgens, Erica
FOR1 Basics of Embroidery on Paper 2 Fortgens, Erica
FOR2 New Ideas with Embroidery on Paper Fortgens. Erica
FOU Le point de Beauvais Fouricot, Mick; et al
FUK Tambour Work Fukuyama, Yusai
KLO The Dyer's Companion Klos, Dagmar
LIO Broderie haute couture Liotta, Claire
MEI Huck Weaving with Style Meir, Susan et al
MUL Sweatshirts with Style Mulari, Mary
OND Huck Embroidery Ondori
PIN Card & Thread Greeting Cards Pinder, Polly
RAE Layered, Tattered and Stitched: A Farbic Art Workshop Rae, Ruth
RIC Dillie Delights in Tatting Rice, Adrianne
ROL Needlemaking Rollins, John G.
STA Smøyg: Pattern Darning from Norway Stanton, Yvette
SUL Stunning Stitches with Original Patterns Sully, Primrose
TAM 33 Contemporary Swedish Weaving Patterns for Monk's Cloth Tams, Jeanne et al
TRU Ultimate Book of Finishing Truman Summer, Louise
UNK Quiet Book ---
WAT Heirlooms of Tomorrow in Wool Embroidery Watters, Joan
WHI Old-Time Tools & Toys of Needlework Whiting, Gertrude
WOL The Art of Manipulating Fabric Wolff, Colette


HOU Mountmellick Work Houston-Almquist, Jane
TRO Beginner's Guide to Mountmellick Embroidery Trott, Pat


ALF Beginner's Guide to Berlin Work Alford, Jane
BER The Miniature Needlepoint Collection Berman, J. & Lazarus, C.
BER1 The Gloriafilia Needlepoint Berman, J & Lazarus, C.
CHR Teach Yourself Needlepoint Christensen, J. I.
CHR1 The Needlepoint Book Christensen, J. I.
CHR2 The Needlepoint Scraps Book Christensen, J. I.
DAV1 The Needlework Doctor Davis, M. K.
DMC1 Drawn Thread Work - 1st Series DMC
DMC2 Openwork Embroidery DMC
DON The Crewel Needlepoint World Donnelly Gullers, Barbara
EHR Designer Needlepoint Ehrman, Hugh
EHR1 Birds and Beasts in Needlepoint Ehrman, Hugh and Benn, Elisabeth
FAR Your House in Needlepoint Farlie & Sloan
FAS Glorious Needlepoint Fassett, Kaffe
GRE Needlework Masterpieces from Winterthur Greer Minor, Hollis
HAN Patterns For Needlepoint Hanley, Hope
HUR Left-Handed Needlepoint Hurlburt, Regina
KEN British Country House Needlepoint Kennett, Frances & Scarlett, Belinda
LAN2 A Pageant of Patterns For Needlepoint Canvas Lantz, Sherlee
LAN3 Gold and Silver Needlepoint Lane, Maggie
MES Designing for Needlepoint and Embroidery from Ancient and Primitive Sources Messent, Jan
PAK1 Needlepoint Plaids Pakula, Marion
PEA The Complete Needlepoint Course Pearson, Anna
RUS Needlepoint Designs Rust, Graham
RUS2 Beth Russell's Traditional Needlepoint Russell, Beth
SLA Book of Needlepoint Slater, Elaine
STE Classic Needlework Stewart, Imogen


FER A Stitch in Time Ferris, Monica
FER1 Unraveled Sleeve Ferris, Monica
FER2 Frame in Lace Ferris, Monica
FER3 Crewel World Ferris, Monica


BRE Needlepoint on Plastic Canvas Brenner De Nitto, E.


ALT Mastering The Art of Pulled Thread Embroidery Altherr, Ilse
ANC The New Anchor Book of Pulled Thread Anchor
ANC1 Drawn Thread Embroidery Anchor
ANC2 Drawn Fabric Anchor
BAG Beginner's Guide to Drawn Thread Bage, Patricia
BAG1 One Stitch at a Time Bage, Patricia
BAR Il Reticello vol 2 Barbieri, Paola
BAR1 Il Reticello vol 2 Barbieri, Paola
BEN A Note Book of Pulled Thread Stitches Bennett, Eileen J.
BUO Gli Antichi Fior di Reticello Buonpadre, Giuliana
DMC1 Drawn Thread Work DMC Library
DMC2 Openwork Embroidery DMC Library
EDI Les jours modernes à fils tirés Edition de l'Inédite-Paris
FAN Danish Pulled Thread Embroidery Fangel, Winckler, Madsen
FRY Mary Fry's Pulled Thread Workbook Fry, Mary
KLI The Art of Drawn Work Kliot, Jules et al.
KLI1 Patterns - Cutowrk Embroidery Kliot, Jules et al.
MAN1 Punti a Giorno Mani di Fata
MAN2 Punti a Giorno 2 Mani di Fata
MAN3 Punti a Giorno 4 Mani di Fata
MAN4 Punti a Giorno 5 Mani di Fata
MCN Pulled Thread Embroidery McNeil, Moyra
MCN1 Drawn Thread Embroidery McNeil, Moyra
MEL Drawn Threadwork Melen, Lisa
MEN Rosa e Grigio / Pink and Gray Menossi, Antonietta M.
MIT Needleweaving and Embroidery: Embellished Treasures Mitrofanis, Effie
SIT Jours sur toile Situa, Sandrine
ZIM Pulled Thread and Florentine Embroidery Patterns Zimmerman, Jane D.


ANC The Anchor Book of Ribbon Embroidery Anchor
BAA Ribbon Embroidery Alphabets Baatz, Barbara
BAK The Art of Silk Ribbon Embroidery Baker Montano, Judith
CAB Silk Ribbon Embroidery: Beautiful Projects & Elegant Deisgn Ideas Cable, SHeena
COU A - Z of Ribbon Embroidery Country Bumpkin Publications
COX Beginner's Guide to Silk Ribbon Embroidery Cox, Anne
DOB Garden of Ribbons Dobbs, Phyllis
HEA Spring Bulb Sampler - Silk Ribbon Embroidery Heazlewood, Merrilyn
HEA1 Silk Ribbon Embroidery Fuschias Heazlewood, Merrilyn
HIN Silk Ribbon Embroidery Hiney, Mary Jo
HIN1 Silk Ribbon Watercolors Hiney, Mary Jo
HIN2 Victorian Ribbon & Lacecraft Designs Hiney, Mary Jo
HIN3 Charmingly Yours Hiney, Mary Jo
HIN4 Ribbon FLoral Jewelry Hiney, Mary Jo
HIN5 Romantic Silk Ribbon Embroidery Keepsakes Hiney, Mary Jo
JOY Creative Ribbon Embroidery Joynes, Heather
KLI The Artful Ribbon King, Candice
LEI Teach Yourself Silk Ribbon Embroidery Leisure Arts Publication
LES Le language des fleurs Lesage
LOC Ribbons & Roses Lockheed, Lee
MCK Creative Silk Ribbon Embroidery McKinnon, Gloria
NOR Ribbons Norden, Mary
OGU Exquisite Ribbon Accessories Goura, Yukio
PIE Encyclopedie de la broderie Pieroni, Marie
PYK Kaye Pyke's Sumptuous Settings Pyke, Kaye
RIC Broderie aux rubans et fils de soie Richard, Veronique
ROG Flora Abunda Australian WIld Flower Sampler Rogers, Gail
TOG1 Creative Ribbons & Roses Rogers, Gail
ROU La Broderie ruban des realisations raffinees Rousset, Paulette
SEL Learn to do Ribbon Embroidery in Just One Day Selby, De
TID Ribbon Embroidery in Five Easy Stitches Tidwell Foutz, Katheryn
TUR Satin and Silk Ribbon Embroidery Turpin-Delport, Lesley
TUR1 Embroidered Flora and Fauna Turpin-Delport, Lesley
VOL The Ribbon and Thread Garden Volta, Teena and Cummings, Donna
WAT The Elegance of Silk Ribbon Watters, Joan
WES Encyclopedia Of Ribbon Embroidery West, Deanna Hall
WES Iron-on Transfers for Ribbon Embroidery West, Deanna Hall
WRI Ribbon Stitches Wright, Mary Lou


BEE The Ultimate Flower Alphabet Book Beesley, Terrece
BEN A Note Book of Sampler Stitches - Book 1 Bennett, Eileen J.
BEN1 A Note Book of Sampler Stitches - Book 2 Bennett, Eileen J.
BET Cross Stitch Samplers Better Homes & Garden
BIS Embellishments Bishop, Emie
BRO Samplers from the Victoria and Albert Museum Browne, Clare et al
BUR 101 Alphabets Burnett, Dale
CAP Expressions of Love Capuana, Theresa
CHR Samplers Charted for Cross Stitch & Needlepoint Christopher, B.
CHR1 Samplers and Stitches Christie, Archibald
CIR Needlework Alphabets and Designs Cirker, Blanche
CRA Needlework Samplers of Northern Ireland - Patterns and History Crawford, Heather M.
CRE 52 Alphabets Crews, Jeanette
CRE1 Alphabets Album Crews, Jeanette
DAV Samplers & Motifs in X stitch Davidson, Angela
DIC Stitching with Love Dicken, Annette
DMC1 Point de marque 2me serie Bibliothèque DMC
DMC2 Point de croix - Nouveax dessins 2me série Bibliothèque DMC
DON Traditional Samplers Don, Sarah
DRE Samplers for Today Dreesmann, Cecile
EDM Samplers & Samplermakers: An American Schoolgirl Art 1700-1850 Edmonds, Mary Jane
EMM 120 Alphabets Emmer, Carol
FAW The Book of Samplers Fawdry, Marguerite; Brown, Deborah
FOR Charted Folk Designs for Cross Stitch Embroidery Foris, Maria
FRA Broderie motifs et alphabets France
GOO Alphabetical Order Good Nature Girls
GRE Making Samplers Greenoff, Jane; Keyes, Brenda; Verso, Jo
GRO Creating Historic Samplers Grow, Judith K and McGrail, Elisabeth C
HAS 500 Alphabets in Cross Stitch Hasler, Julie
HAU Danish Cross Stitch Zodiac Sampler Hauschild, Jan
HEI Charted Peasant Designs from Saxon Transylvania Heinz, Edgar Kiewe
HUI Samplers and Tapestry Embroideries Huish, Marcus
HUR Country Samplers Hurt, Zuelta Ann
JEN Create your Home in Counted Thread Jenkins, Mary
KAP Wedding Promises Kappie Originals
KER Folk Designs from The Caucasus Kerimov, Lyatif
KEY Alphabets and Samplers - Cross Stitch and Charted Designs Keyes, Brenda
KOO 555 Country Cross-Stitch Patterns Kooler, Donna
KOO1 The Ultimate Book of Borders and Corners Kooler, Donna
LAM Making Samplers Lammer, Jutta
LEJ Répertoire des frises Lejeune, Valérie
LEJ1 Le Livre des lettres au point de croix Lejeune, Valérie
LEJ2 Répertoire des motifs Lejeune, Valérie
LEW Needlepoint Samplers Lewis, Felicity
LIV Ribbon Alphabet Livingston, Cathy
MAS Ethnic Sampler: A Collection of Ethnic Counted Thread Patterns Masterson, Joan
MEU Embroidery Motifs Meulenbett-Nieuwburg
MOD A Sampler of Alphabets Modes et travaux
MOE Charted Decorative Initials Moeller, Misse
MUR Samplers Nursery & Children's Rooms Murphy, Ann
NOA Kreuzstitch Muster Aus Graubunden NOA
NYE Cross Stitch Patterns Nye, Thelma M.
ORR Anne Orr's Charted Designs Orr, Anne
PAR Letters and Numbers for Needlepoint Parker, E. M.
PER Treasury of Cross Stitch Samplers Perna, Sharon
PER1 Lisbeth Perrone's Folk Art in Needlepoint and Cross Stitch Pedrrone, Lisbeth
PER2  'n Hollandsche Schone anno 1790 Permin of Copenhagen
PES Historical Design for Embroidery Pesel, Louisa F.
RIB The Trish and Miles Sampler Ribiero, Susi
ROM Needlepoint Letters and Numbers Rome, Carol Cheney; Orr, Donna Reidy
SCO Borders Collection - 127 Borders Scott, Mary
SIB Baroque Charted Designs For Needlework Sibmacher, Johan
SMI Alphabetrics by Jinis Smith, Virginia W.
SPI Celtic Charted Designs Spinhoven Co.
STA Russian Peasant Design Motifs Stasov, V.
SUT Letter Perfect Sutherland, Martha and Bean, Merry
THE Making Samplers The Embroiderers`Guild
URB Charted Borders, Bands and Corners Urban, Sandra
VAN Quilt Designs in Cross Stitch Vanessa-Ann Collection
VER Picture it in Cross Stitch Verso, Jo
WAG 20 Backstitch Alphabets van Wagner, Anne 
WAN Sykorsstygn Etter Garnia Monstre (X Stitch Sampler) Wangman, Ingmor
WEI Victorian Alphabets, Monograms and Names for Needleworkers Weiss, Rita


BIS Schwalm Embroidery Bischop, Christine
DAV Schwalm Traditional and Contemporary Davies, Janet, M.
DEI Schwälmer Weißstickerei Muster Sammlung Teil 2 Deistler, Maria et al
DIT Musterheft Alte und Newe Muster der Schwälmer Stickerei Band 1 Ditter, Edda
DIT1 Musterheft Alte und Newe Muster der Schwälmer Stickerei Band2 Ditter, Edda
DIT2 Musterheft Alte und Newe Muster der Schwälmer Stickerei Band 3 Ditter, Edda
FER Schwalm Whitework Fernau, Renate
GOM Die Schwälmer Weibstickerei Gombert, Thekla
HAP1 Stickereien Limetrosen 1 Happel, Luzine
HAP2 Limetrosen 1 Happel, Luzine
HAP3 Wickelstiche 1 Happel, Luzine
HAP4 Randabschlüsse Happel, Luzine
HAP5 Grundlagen der Schwälmer Weißstickerei Happel, Luzine
HAP6 Saumbaukasten Happel, Luzine
HAP7 Early Schwalm Whitework Happel, Luzine
HAP8 Mustertücher "Lichte Muster" Happel, Luzine
HAP9 Limetrosen 11 Happel Luzine
HAP10 Basic Principles of Schwalm Embroidery Happel, Luzine
HAP11 Lichte "Muster Stopfstiche Happel, Luzine
HAP12 Stickereien Happel, Luzine
HAP13 Fancy Hems Happel, Luzine
HAP14 Grand Schwalm Crowns Happel, Luzine
HAP15 Schwalm Crowns Happel, Luzine
HAP16 Finitions et bordures Happel, Luzine
KER Exquisite Schwalm: A Filling Stitch Sampler Kershaw, Barbara
MUS Schwälmer Weißstickerei 2004 Museum der Schwälm
STR Schwalm Serenade Strader, Donna
ZWE Stick-idee Handarbeitsstoffe Zweigart
ZWE1 Stick-idee Seibleinen Zweigart


GRO Shisha Embroidery: Traditional Indian Mirror WOrk Gross, Nancy and Fontana, Frank
LUK Sadi Thread & Shisha Glass Embroidery Luke, Betty


SUS Backgrounds for Embroidery Sustrik, Mary


COU A - Z of Smocking Country Bumpkin Publications
DUR Smocking: Technique, Projects & Design Durand, Diane
DUR1 Diane Durand's Complete Book of Smocking Techniques and   Durand, Diane
HOID Smocking Design Hodges, Jean
HUN English Smocking Step by Step Hunter, Sandy
KNO How To Do English Smocking Knott, Grace
KNO1 English Smocking Knott, Grace
MAR Smocks & Smocking Marshall, B.
THE English Smocking The Childrens' Corner Inc.
THO Smocking Book Thornton, C.


ALD Raised Embroidery Techniques, Projects & Pure Inspiration Aldridge, Kellu
COL The Stumpwork Masterclass - Raised and Embossed Embroidery Cole, Alison
COU A - Z of Stumpwork Country Bumpkin Publications
DEN Stumpwork Seasons Dennis, Kay & Michael
DEN1 Beginner`s Guide to Stumpwork Dennis, Kay
HAL The Art and Embroidery of Janet Hall Hall, Janet
HIN Australian Wildflowers in Stumpwork Hinde, Annette
NIC Stumpwork Embroidery Nicholas, Jane
NIC1 Stumpwork Dragonflies Nicholas, Jane
NIC2 Stumpwork & Goldwork Embroidery Nicholas, Jane
NIC3 Stumpwork Embrodiery Designs and Projects Nicholas, Jane
NIC4 Stumpwork Embroidery: A Collections of Fruits, Flowers and Insects ... Nicholas, Jane
NIC5 Stumpwork - Medieval Flora Nicholas, Jane
NIE1 Ribbon Embroidery and Stumpwork van Niekerk, Di
RIC Botanical Embroidery Rich, Annette
PEA Dimensional Embroidery Pearce, Helan


ANC Freestyle Embroidery Stitches  Anchor (publisher)
AND Embroideries from an English Garden Andrews, Carol
AOK Embroidery of a Journey: Encounters with England's Wildflowers  (in Japanese) Aoki, Kazuko
BAA Encyclopedia of Embroidered Flowers Baatz, Barbara
BAR The Art of Embroidered Flowers Baron, Gilda
BER Chinese Embroidery Traditional Techniques Bertin-Guest, Josiane
BRA Wool and Silk Embroidery Bradford, Jenny
BUR Miniature Needle Painting Embroidery Burr, Trish
BUR1 Redouté's Finest Flowers in Embroidery Burr, Trish
CHU The Art of Orietnal Embroidery - History, Aesthetics, and Techniques Chung Young, Y
CLA Embroidery Illusions Clarke, Gary
COU A - Z of Threadpainting Country Bumpkin Publications
DEN L'art de la broderie: le passe empietant Denizot - Marquant, Gilberte
DIE Broder les saisons Dieudonné, Adéline; Roy, Martine
DIE1 Thread Painting and Silk Shading Embroidery Dier, Margaret
FRA The Art of Soft Shading Francini, Audrey
HAR French Knot Pictures Harris, Christine
LAM Embroidery From the Garden Lampe, Diana
LAM1 More Embroidered Flowers Lampe, Diana
MCW Thread Painting Bunnies in My Garden McWhinney, Jenny
NEW Hand Embroidered Country Scenes Newhouse, Sue
NIC Painting with Threads Nicol, Kit
PRA Abécédaire botanique lettres à broder  Prax, Françoise
SFO In Uno Campo di Grano/In a wheat field Sforza, Elisabetta
STE The Myth & Magic Of Embroidery Stevens, Helen M.
STE2 Embroidered Birds Stevens, Helen M.
STE3 World of Embroidery Stevens, Helen M.
STE4 Embroidered Butterflies Stevens, Helen M.
STE5 Embroiderer's Year Stevens, Helen M.
STE6 Embroidered Flowers Stevens, Helen M.
STE7 The Embroiderer's Country Album Stevens, Helen M
STE8 The Embroiderer's Countryside Stevens, Helen M.
STE9 The Timeless Art of Embroidery Stevens, Helen M.
STE10 Embroidered Gardens Stevens, Helen M.
WAR Countryside Embroidery Book Ward, Lalla


BAR The Brambly Hedge Pattern Book Barkklem, Jill
HUT1 Dolls & How To Make Them Hutchings, M.
HUT2 Teddy Bears & How To Make Them Hutchings, M.
HUT3 Toys From The Tales Of Beatrix Potter Hutchings ,M.
JOR Homemade Dolls in Foreign Dress Jordan, N.R.
LOC Making Soft Toys Lockwood, G.
MAG Ours de collection Magic Patch
MAV 120 Enchanting Dolls: Felt-Wee-Folk New Adventures Mavor, Sally
SNO Creative Soft Toys Snook, Barbara


BAY Broderie blanche Bayard, Marie-Noél
BEL Corso Base Bellomo B., D’Alessandro C., et al
BED Corso Base Due: Centrini e Inserti Bellomo B., D’Alessandro C., et al
BEM Corso Base Tre: Progetti e Tecnica Bellomo B., D’Alessandro C., et al
BOU La broderie Richelieu Bourdon, Nathalie
BUR Broderie Hardanger, a jours et myreschka Burda Special
BUR2 Candlewicking & Beyond Burda Specila
BRY Ayrshire Needlework Bryson, Agnes F.
CAR La broderie Richelieu Carpentier, Didier
CAV Cut-Work Embroidery and How to Do It Cave, Oenone
DEL Il Reticello antico Del Popolo, Maria
DUN Points de broderie blanche Dung, Denise Tran Hue
DUN Broderie ajourée no. 1 Dung, Denise Tran Hue
DUN1 Broderie ajourée no. 2 Dung, Denise Tran Hue
EDI1 La broderie Richelieu Edition de Saxe
EDI2 La broderie Richelieu Edition de Saxe
FIT Les jours au fil des jours Fittante, Francoise
FOU La broderie blanche - abécédaires & monogrammes Fouriscot, Mick and Nordin et al.
FOU1 Jours anciens de Cilaos Fouriscot, Mick;Maillot, Suzanne
FRA Contemporary Whitework Frankiln, Tracy A; Jarvis, Nicola
GIL Contemporary Candlewick Embroidery Giles, Denise
HOU Whitework Techniques and 188 Designs Houek, Carter
MAI Les bases de la broderie Richelieu Mains et merveilles
McM Snutki Polish Spider Web Embroidery McMillan, Peta
McM1 Snutki Polish Spider Web Embroidery Book 2 McMillan, Peta
POT Wildflowers in Candlewicking Potter, Jan
PRI Old Fashioned Monogramming for Needleworkers Priscilla Publishing Co.
STA Sardinian Knotted Embroidery: Whitework from Teulada Stanton, Yvette
SWA Ayrshire and Other Whitework Swain, Margaret








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